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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Personal Profile

What is your favorite movie? Airplane!

What is your favorite genre of movies? Stale, Dry, Stupid Humor

What is your favorite book? The shining

Who is your favorite musical artist? Tough; Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, RHCP

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Probably a mirror
What is something about you that most people don't know? I don't like pizza.

Finish the following sentences:

I need to have laughter every day.

I am saving up for car parts because I wanna go fast like Ricky Bobby.

When I was little I remember that I had a wonderful loving family

The best thing anyone has ever said to me is "here come dat boi"

The worst thing anyone has ever said to me is "You suck m8"

What no one has ever told me is "I'm better than you"

I am excited by cars.

If I were elected President of the US, my first act as President would be get rid of cigarettes.

Strengths: Assign each of these with a number from 1-10 (1 being weakest)

Writing 7                

Acting 3               

Organization 5      

Directing 7            

Videography 7       
(camera work)

Editing 9               

Conceptualizing 6  
(idea person)

Makeup 0              

Costuming 4          

Technical skills 10   

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